“Sleeping Beauty” by Veit Korn is an exquisite testament to the timeless allure of alabaster. The creamy-white tones of the stone enhance the softness of the sculpture’s contours, imbuing it with a serene, almost ethereal quality. A distinctive feature of this piece is the delicately carved scarf covering the eyes, a poignant detail that evokes themes of mystery, introspection, and the unseen. The scarf suggests a state of inner vision or an intentional retreat from the visible world, inviting the viewer to reflect on the boundaries between perception and reality. The meticulous surface treatments, including chiseling, bush-hammering, and patination, create a dynamic interplay of textures that invite both visual and tactile engagement. As a unique creation accompanied by a signed certificate, “Sleeping Beauty” transcends mere representation, standing as a profound exploration of beauty, vulnerability, and timeless artistry.